Monday, October 29, 2018

Campus Management Travel Procedures


(1)This document sets out UNE procedures for official University travel both domestic and international.

(2)As travel is sometimes essential for UNE business, UNE supports staff and student travellers by:
Providing an appropriate standard of comfort and conditions while away from home;
Ensuring travel is as convenient as possible;
Managing travel costs transparently, effectively and with accountability;
Reimbursing reasonable travel costs accurately and within reasonable timeframes;
Complying with legal, insurance and tax obligations; and
Protecting travellers' occupational health and safety.

(3)These procedures are designed to ensure that travellers:
Have a clear and consistent process for travel;
Understand travel safety and security measures and requirements;
Understand their entitlements and responsibilities including managing demand for travel; and
Understand the University's expectations related to travel.

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(4)These Procedures apply under the UNE Procurement Policy, to all University staff, students or anyone undertaking official University travel, using University funds(including grants). 

(5)This Procedure does not apply to individuals or employees of organisations who provide services under contract to the University.  Where required, travel provisions of such contract personnel should be set out in the contract. 

(6)This Procedure does not include University employees’ private travel, eg. from home to the workplace, or where travel is required to work from home (where appropriate). 

Code of Conduct
(7)The University expects travellers to observe the University’s Code of Conduct when booking and undertaking travel.
Deciding to Travel

(8)Travel should only occur when other forms of engagement are ineffective.  Teleconferencing and video conferencing may be suitable alternatives. Travellers are responsible for considering the alternatives before committing to travel. Where travel is required, then it should be minimised to ensure only essential travel is undertaken.
Value for Money

(9)The person requesting travel and the person approving travel, must both ensure that the proposed travel:
Will produce a worthwhile benefit for the money spent;
Is an appropriate use of scarce resources (time and money);
Falls within budget and delegated authority;
Is planned sufficiently in advance to minimise costs; and
Is the lowest available airfare on the day of booking (ie. best fare of the day) that offers the traveller the convenience and flexibility to complete their business travel.
Approval to Travel
Pre-Approval Process

(10)All UNE business travel is required to follow a pre-approval process that confirms a traveller’s permission to travel.

(11)The Travel Management Solution (TMS) includes an online travel approval tool, which includes a proposed travel diary as well as capturing information regarding the nature and purpose of the travel and associated justification. The online booking tool includes an online approval mechanism where travel is approved by the appropriate delegate having regard to the nature of the travel.
Transition arrangement from 1 June 2018:  prior to the complete rollout of the electronic TMS, an online form is provided on the UNE website for the purposes of obtaining travel approval. Once the required information is entered on the form it will be emailed to the staff member completing the form, and it is the responsibility of the traveller to use email to obtain the required approval from the appropriate delegate. The approved form should be sent prior to the booking process commencing.

(12)Domestic travel is approved by the relevant Dean of the Faculty, Director, member of the Senior Executive, or nominated deputy approver subject to budget affordability and grant conditions within financial delegation.

(13)International travel is approved by the relevant Dean of the Faculty, Director and the relevant Senior Executive subject to budget affordability and grant conditions within financial delegation. Nominated deputy approvers must NOT approve international travel, regardless of financial delegation. Once the Dean of the Faculty, Director and the relevant member of Senior Executive have provided approval, the travel request will be sent to UNE Insurance to review, providing action and approval for insurance coverage.

(14)Approval authorities cannot approve their own travel expenses.  The next highest level of delegation in a direct reporting line is required to approve all travel expenses.

(15)The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer must approve executive management travel.

(16)The Chief Financial Officer approves Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer travel.
Determination of Purpose of Travel

(17)The primary purpose of any University sanctioned staff travel, must be Official University Business (OUB).

(18)Prior to approval of travel, an assessment must be carried out to determine whether a trip is likely to constitute a business trip. A prudent approach will be undertaken when assessing private travel. In instances where there is doubt as to the business or private nature of travel, the University will classify such travel as being of a private nature.

(19)University sanctioned business travel, which includes a private travel portion of less than the incidental private travel limit thresholds (detailed in the following section) will be classified as business purpose travel. University sanctioned business travel which includes a private travel portion in excess of the incidental private travel limit thresholds will be classified as Dual Purpose Travel.

(20)Dual Purpose Travel may only be approved where the University member pays half of the airfare and all private costs relating to the private travel portion.

(21)Payment of the dual purpose travel airfare contribution by a University member must be paid directly to the University’s Travel Management Company, Campus Travel Consultants, facilitated by the Travel @ UNE team prior to travel commencing. Payment of the contribution should not be via reimbursement to the University.

(22)Travel undertaken by a staff member of the University assessed to be primarily for private purposes or dual purpose travel where the staff member does not pay half the airfare, will raise a Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) liability on the University for the airfare.

(23)In assessing the main purpose of travel a number of factors are considered, these include the intended business purpose of the travel in the travel approval request, the number of non-business or private days (annual leave days and time in lieu by agreement) taken during a trip, as indicated in the Travel Diary that has been provided by the staff member for the travel.

(24)Student Travel is not subject to FBT
Determination of Incidental Private Travel

(25)In determining whether private travel undertaken as part of approved University business travel is incidental private travel, the nature of all days during the approved travel must be assessed.

(26)Where the number of private travel days (including annual leave days) is less than the private travel limit threshold number of business days, then the private travel will be deemed to be incidental.

(27)Where the number of private travel days exceeds the private travel limit thresholds, the travel will be deemed to be Dual Purpose travel.
Incidental Private Travel Limit Thresholds

(28)Total trip days are the total number of calendar days from the first travel day at the beginning of the trip, to the end of the trip – including any weekends during the trip and physical recovery days that occur after return.

(29)Where the number of private travel days is less than 25% of the total number of trip days, then the private travel will be deemed to be incidental.
Incidental Private Travel algorithm:
Private travel days / Total trip days = < 25%

(30)Where private travel days represent more than 25% of the total trip days, the trip is considered to be dual purpose travel.

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